so there I was, walking back from taco bell with two $1.60 potato soft tacos when the mixtape lady approached!!
I almost couldn't hear her through my headphones and I kinda wish I didn't.
"Here's my new album! It's feel good hip-hop with no cussing!"
oh good gravy.
Handing me a clear case with a cleary home-burnt CD--her visage printed, cut out, and taped to the interior cover in A4 paper--she requested $20.
"Sorry, I don't have any cash on me"
I said politely, clearly disinterested upon hearing that outrageous fucking pricepoint.
As a music maker myself I understand how difficult it is to gain an audience; I have to practically beg people to listen to my shit. But my bullshit is free! And people don't even listen to it then!!!
Considering that, how in the everfuck would I be willing to shell out $20 so I could listen to [something I probably don't like]
"I take card too!"
of fucking course she does. Why the hell would she not? I couldn't say "no" in the firstplace and now the egg's all over my stupid doughy face. I had to think of another believably polite excuse; maybe "fuck no"
"I don't have that much to spend right now"
Nobody in their right mind would pressure someone under financial burden... right?
"I can do $10!"
oh come the fuck on.
Now I've never been a defense attorney but I think this is what they mean to make someone 'sweat'.
I unfortunately can't recall the exact wordvomit of excuses I had to pelt out faster than she could viscously sell me her fucking disc; but I do remember saying
"if you're here later, I'll get back to you".
God smite me
Anywho moral of the story dear reader is don't be too nice to the ruthless people with CD's in their hand and just say "no" or, more politely, "fucking hell stop"
I almost couldn't hear her through my headphones and I kinda wish I didn't.
"Here's my new album! It's feel good hip-hop with no cussing!"
oh good gravy.
Handing me a clear case with a cleary home-burnt CD--her visage printed, cut out, and taped to the interior cover in A4 paper--she requested $20.
"Sorry, I don't have any cash on me"
I said politely, clearly disinterested upon hearing that outrageous fucking pricepoint.
As a music maker myself I understand how difficult it is to gain an audience; I have to practically beg people to listen to my shit. But my bullshit is free! And people don't even listen to it then!!!
Considering that, how in the everfuck would I be willing to shell out $20 so I could listen to [something I probably don't like]
"I take card too!"
of fucking course she does. Why the hell would she not? I couldn't say "no" in the firstplace and now the egg's all over my stupid doughy face. I had to think of another believably polite excuse; maybe "fuck no"
"I don't have that much to spend right now"
Nobody in their right mind would pressure someone under financial burden... right?
"I can do $10!"
oh come the fuck on.
Now I've never been a defense attorney but I think this is what they mean to make someone 'sweat'.
I unfortunately can't recall the exact wordvomit of excuses I had to pelt out faster than she could viscously sell me her fucking disc; but I do remember saying
"if you're here later, I'll get back to you".
God smite me
Anywho moral of the story dear reader is don't be too nice to the ruthless people with CD's in their hand and just say "no" or, more politely, "fucking hell stop"